EAAS - Cluster Configuration

EAAS - Cluster Configuration

In cluster configuration page, you can either create new cluster or choose from existing cluster.

For selecting the existing cluster

  1. choose the existing cluster option button

  2. select any cluster (If you select stopped cluster, in that case the cluster will restart itself).

For Creating a new cluster

  1. Select the cloud Vendor, For this Roost provides 3 choices: AWS, Azure & GCP


  2. Select Region, Ami & instance type.

  3. Select the credential File (you can choose existing credential file or provided by admin).

  4. For Environment Choices, Roost supports both docker & kubernetes specific applications.

If you select K8s, you can edit these following sections.

If your application is docker specific, you can edit these sections according to your requirements.



5. Install Scripts: Specific files you want to run every time the cluster starts.

6. Uninstall Scripts: Specific files you want to run every time the cluster terminates.

7. For AWS Cluster, Roost also provides option for Advance config Where you can edit all these details related to AWS cluster.

8. Here you can also add Application Env Variables for install & uninstall scripts.

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