Roost - EKS Cost Management

Roost - EKS Cost Management

EKS is the managed Kubernetes service from AWS. It provides an easy way to get Kubernetes and lot of benefits but like all cloud resources, it comes at a cost. One of the concerns for any development team using EKS, is the cost incurred.

Roost manages your EKS cost and can bring it down to 25%. You read it right, Roost can reduce your EKS cost by 75% in just a few simple steps.


Steps to control EKS costs - for the Admin

  1. Provide EKS admin credentials to Roost Control-plane

  2. Associate/chose your EKS clusters for the organisation

  3. Decide the user sign-out behaviour


Steps for the development team (user)

  1. Connect to EKS using Roost Desktop (organisation cluster)

  2. Define your working hours and work days


Based on the team schedule, Roost will automatically sleep and wake-up your EKS (nodes/workloads) to reduce & avoid costs associated with your node groups. This automation helps you avoid costs when nobody is using your cluster. Roost, additionally, provides an on-demand wake-up support for ad-hoc work schedules as well as an ability to defer/disable schedule on a need basis.


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