Migrate Roost Stack on GCP

Migrate Roost Stack on GCP

Objective of this document is to create Roost stack on Google Cloud Platform

GCP Migration Check list is available here



Roost stack can be either 

  • EC2 or compute based

  • Container based

All stacks require a 

  • database (mysql or postgres)

  • SSL certificate

  • external load balancer with SSL certificate


Existing Terraform scripts for AWS are available in https://github.com/roost-io/terraform


Migration Plan and Timeline



Target Date (Duration) - Owner



Target Date (Duration) - Owner

GCP Checklist Items

Setup the account with necessary permissions for admin and team.

Include security alerts

Segregate Production environment (region) and access from non-Prod

May/15 (1 week) - Mayank

Migrate Terraform scripts for RDS

Script for Mysql and Postgres

May/15 (1 week) - Bhavika

Manual setup for one DB by 5/8 EOD

Terraform script for 1 DB Type by 5/10


Migrate Terraform scripts for EC2

Multiple Compute instance with private networking, limited ingress and external facing load-balancer

May/22 (2 weeks) - Apoorva

Manual setup by 5/15

Terraform based by 5/22

Add Terraform script for docker-compose on single compute instance

Spin a single compute instance with docker and setup Roost using docker-compose

Add load balancer directing external traffic to compute

May/26 (1 week) - Apoorva

Migrate Terraform scripts for ECS

Container based solution using Cloud Run

Open ended

Capacity planning for Dev and Prod compute instances

Compute Instance Sizing

Disk Sizing







Setup Progress:

Roost Stack Description



Roost Stack Description



Docker-compose based Roost on single compute

Using Mysql Database
