Roost Codespace Integration
A feature to launch kubernetes cluster from Codespace.
GitHub Codespaces overview
A codespace is a development environment that's hosted in the cloud. You can customize your project for GitHub Codespaces by committing configuration files to your repository (often known as Configuration-as-Code), which creates a repeatable codespace configuration for all users of your project.
Each codespace runs on a virtual machine hosted by GitHub. You can choose the type of machine you want to use, depending on the resources you need. Various types of machine are available, starting with a 2-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, and 32 GB of storage.
You can connect to your codespaces from your browser, from Visual Studio Code, from the JetBrains Gateway application, or by using GitHub CLI.
To create cluster using codespace, follow the below steps :
Create a folder named .devcontainer at the root of the repository.
Create a new file named devcontainer.json inside .devcontainer folder, and add the below code snippets with the appropriate options.
To use secrets in the devcontainer.json, create a secret under Settings → Secrets → Codespaces.
Use the created secret inside devcontainer.json as
Example Usage
"features": {
"": {
"roost_server": "${localEnv:ROOST_SERVER}",
"roost_auth_token": "${localEnv:ROOST_AUTH_TOKEN}",
"k8s_version": "1.22.2",
"aws_region": "ap-northeast-1",
Options Id | Description | Type | Default Value | Required / optional |
roost_auth_token | Roost Authorization Token | string | - | Required |
User email address | string | - | Required | |
alias | Alias name for cluster | string | - | optional |
k8s_version | Kubernetes version | string | 1.22.2 | optional |
cluster_expires_in_hours | Cluster expiry in Hrs | string | 1 | optional |
num_workers | Number of worker nodes | string | 1 | optional |
namespace | Default namespace | string | roost-codesapace | optional |
region | Aws region, to create cluster into | string | ap-northeast-1 | optional |
disk_size | Disk size in GB | string | 50 | optional |
instance_type | Instance type | string | t3.large | optional |
ami | AMI | string | ubuntu focal 20.04 | optional |
roost_server | Enterprise server IP | string | | optional |
Once the configuration files are added with above options, creating codespace will also create the cluster.
To stop and delete the cluster using codespace type the below commands in the terminal.
$ roost stop // Stop the running cluster
$ roost delete // Delete the cluster that is either in stop or running state