Create Team and Assign your Cluster to the team.

Create Team and Assign your Cluster to the team.

Before you assign cluster to your team admin have to add existing cluster to his list of clusters.

How to add your existing Clusters in Roost ?

You can follow the above steps to add your existing cluster to roost.

After adding the cluster Go to Team View from Team button in Header.

You will redirect to My Team page. You will get all your team list here. If you want to create a new team, click on Create Team in the left sidebar. This will open a modal to take your team details.

Fill the details. Add your first members in the list and it will send invite for joining the team in the Team My Pending Invites section. Cluster configuration is the read only configuration for the user personal cluster configuration to be in sync with what the team configuration. After filling all details click in Create.

You will see your newly created team in top of the list. Click on Admin View button.

For adding cluster to the team, Click on Team Cluster button in top header.

A modal will pop up with all your roost cluster and existing cluster. Select your cluster from the cluster list. If your cluster is behind the aws-iam-authenticator and you already have filled it while adding the cluster, we will pre-fill it here otherwise admin can always update this credentials. Click on Update button after choosing your cluster. Cluster is assigned to team. Roost automatically create service account and unix user for each team member and provide web console with only limited permission.
Note: This process can take some time depending on the number of team members.

After updating the cluster to team, team members will have more option in the header like Request New Namespace, User Console Download Kubeconfig etc.

If user want to create namespace in the cluster he can click on Request New Namespace button at the top. This will open a modal where user can enter his namespace and after submitting the request namespace will get created. Admin can define the Max Number of namespace allowed in the setting page.

Admin can also give regex based namespace access to users by clicking Add NS Regex button in front of each team member.

If Admin want User A should have read-write permission to all NS that starts with dev-, Admin can add that in regex input and User A will get read write permission to those namespaces.