Roost on AWS

Roost on AWS

This article talks about Roost default behaviour and allowed overrides from the user while requesting Roost cluster on AWS.


Roost Advance Settings that can be configured,



  • Region to be selected

  • Credentials needs to be provided

1. VPC :

Amazon VPC is the networking layer for Amazon EC2.

Roost User has three option wrt selection of vpc

i. Create a new VPC (We create a VPC with, as the primary CIDR block and instance tenancy set as default).

ii. Use a default VPC ( is the one which is automatically created for your AWS account the first time you provision Amazon EC2 resources)

iii. Use any of the existing VPC

2. Subnets:

A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a network.

Different options available to roost users:

i. If vpc is selected, subnets within that vpc are listed down

ii. If the VPC is set to default, Subnet is automatically set to default

ii. And an option to create a new subnet (creates with CIDR block (specified as "") for the Availability Zone)

 3. Security Group:

A security group is like a virtual firewall. Roost creates a security group named “roost-community”.

Options available to the user:

i. Creating a new Security Group named “roost-community”.

Inbound TCP traffic is configured for ports [22, 60001, 60002, 60003, 60004, 60005, 6443, 80, 5000, 5002, 5004, 5005, 30000 - 32767, 62020-62050 ].

ii. Choose any of existing security group where roost opens additional inbound ports mentioned above

4. Key-Pair:

A key pair is a combination of a public key that is used to encrypt data and a private key that is used to decrypt data.

Different options available to the user:

i. Roost creates a unique key pair with the name as roost_<ClusterID> for the EC2 nodes associated with the Cluster.

ii. Has the ability to choose any existing key pair present in that region