Defining a Team
An organisation can be best served when individuals work together in teams.
United we stand, divided we fall
Both and Roost Desktop allow teams to be defined and managed with ease.
It is recommended for Team Leads to define teams and setup the cluster configuration, before any development commences. It is a one-time activity and can be easily updated, reviewed at any time.
Benefits of Team:
Individual developers can collaborate across the team with a single click
Access to a team cluster allows Pre-CI validation and automated GitOps
Developer access to team cluster can be controlled centrally
Team activity can be viewed across activity types and timelines on the dashboard
How to define a Team:
Create New Team button is available under Collaboration, All Teams tab
On click, you will be presented with a modal as given below
Besides the team name, and initial member invites, you can mention an ideal cluster configuration for the team members. This allows the team members to sync their local clusters to the team configuration and avoid issues arising due to any config drift.
Viewing your team and managing it
Detailed steps can be viewed here Managing a Team
Team Page Visual from
Team Admin Page Visual from Roost Desktop (Under Collaboration View)