5. EC2 Instance Setup
Launch 2 instances with below attributes
You can use the AWS option to launch 3 instances.
Public Jump for accessing Private EC2 Instance
Private Roost Control Plane
Private EaaS Server Or Jump Host Server for Managed/User K8s
1. Public EC2 Instance: For access to private instance
Attribute | Selection |
AMI | Choose Ubuntu 20 (ubuntu-focal-20.04) SSD Volume Type |
Instance Type | t2.micro Shutdown behaviour (Stop) Enable Termination Protection |
Storage | Root Volume: 8GB (gp2) |
Termination protection | Enable |
Security Group Rules
| Default Security Group Inbound Rules with “Source as MyIP or Anywhere”
Tag | Name: RoostAccessJump |
Public IP | Enabled |
VPC and AZ | Same as the entire setup (suggest that you create a dedicated VPC and other networking components for Roost) |
Download key-pair; change permissions to 0400
Review configuration and Launch Instance
2. EC2 Instance: Roost Control Plane
Below configuration is good for 2-3 team size
Attribute | Selection |
AMI | Choose Ubuntu 20 (ubuntu-focal-20.04) SSD Volume Type |
Instance Type | c5.2xlarge or bigger in CPU & memory Shutdown behaviour (Stop) Enable Termination Protection |
Storage | Root Volume: 30GB (gp3) |
Termination protection | Enable |
Security Group Rules
| Inbound Rules with “Source as VPC Default SG”
Tag | Name: Roost Control Plane |
Public IP | Disabled |
Download key-pair; change permissions to 0400
SCP the PEM key to the public instance (created in Part 1)
Review configuration and Launch Instance
3: EC2 Instance: Roost EAAS Server or JumpHost
Similar to EC2 Instance 1 with few changes
Use the tags to give a different “Name” like “Roost EAAS Server” for ease of identification
This instance will also act as the default “JumpHost” for user managed clusters. Optionally, it can host a Docker Host and Docker Insecure Registry.
Attribute | Selection |
AMI | Choose Ubuntu 20 (ubuntu-focal-20.04) SSD Volume Type |
Instance Type | c5.2xlarge or bigger in CPU & memory Shutdown behaviour (Stop) Enable Termination Protection |
Storage | Root Volume: 30GB (gp3) |
Termination protection | Enable |
Security Group Rules | Please note if Controlplane and EaaS Server are in the same VPC, then we can use just Private IP and configure “All TCP” from security-group of the controlplane If this instance is in a different region/VPC then we have to enable Public/External IP and open below traffic from anywhere Inbound Rules with “Source as Roost Control plane SG”
Tag | Name: Roost EaaS Server |
Public IP | Disabled |
Download key-pair; change permissions to 0400
SCP the PEM key to the public instance (created in Part 1)
Review configuration and Launch Instance
Further configuration of EaaS Server and JumpHost is enabled via the Admin page on Roost Enterprise Control Plane
<< VPC, Subnet & NAT Setup 6. AWS Route 53, ALB, ACM >>