A feature to launch kubernetes cluster from Codespace.
To create cluster using codespace, follow the below steps :
Create a folder named .devcontainer at the root of the repository.
Create a new file named devcontainer.json inside .devcontainer, and add the below code snippets with the appropriate options.
Example Usage
"features": { "ghcr.io/ZB-io/roost-codespace/roostcontroller:1.0.0": {} }
Options Id | Description | Type | Default Value |
aws_access_key_id | Aws access key ID | string | - |
aws_secret_access_key | Aws secret access key | string | - |
user_email | User email address | string | - |
username | User name | string | - |
roost_auth_token | Roost Authorization Token | string | 7234741d-c3ba-4de9-bfc0-07b7e73e1545 |
vendor | Cloud vendor | string | aws |
k8s_version | Kubernetes version | string | 1.22.2 |
cluster_expiration | Cluster expiry in Hrs | string | 1 |
num_workers | Number of worker nodes | string | 1 |
default_namespace | Default namespace | string | roost-codesapace |
aws_region | Aws region, to create cluster into | string | ap-northeast-1 |
disk_size | Disk size in GB | string | 30GB |
instance_type | Instance type | string | t3.small |
ami | AMI | string | ubuntu focal 20.04 |
ent_server | Enterprise server IP | string | app.roost.ai |
To stop and delete the cluster using codespace type the below commands in the terminal.
roost stop roost delete