This instance will be facing the team members for any Roost activity.
5.1 Configure Roost JSON
vi /var/tmp/Roost/config.json
Sample Config looks like the below
Replace the values to reflect for your organisation
Keep values empty of the client_id/secrets for the 3rd party that is not needed (one set is needed at least)
Keep ENV_DATABASE detail unchanged if database is not external
Recommend value of remote_console_proxy is same as enterprise_dns unless you want to start proxy elsewhere.
If your servers are behind Load Balancer, set load_balancer : “true” for different configuration.
Sample config.json
{ "enterprise_name": "MyCompany", "enterprise_logo": "", "enterprise_email_domain": "", "enterprise_dns": "", "remote_console_proxy": "", "admin_email": "", "email_sender": "", "email_sender_pass": "", "email_smtp_host": "", "email_smtp_port" : 465, "load_balancer": "true", "enterprise_ssl_certificate_path": "/var/tmp/Roost/certs/server.cer", "enterprise_ssl_certificate_key_path": "/var/tmp/Roost/certs/server.key", "ENV_SERVER": { "DEFAULT_PORT": 3000, "JWT_SECRET": "32-character-secure-long-secret", "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID": "", "GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "AZURE_CLIENT_ID": "", "AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID": "", "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID": "", "LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "OKTA_CLIENT_ISSUER": "", "OKTA_CLIENT_ID": "", "OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET": "" }, "is_own_sql": "true", "ENV_DATABASE": { "MYSQL_HOST": "mysqldb_host_url", "MYSQL_PORT": 3306, "MYSQL_USERNAME": "Roost", "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "Roost#123", "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "Admin#123", "MYSQL_DB_NAME": "roostio" } }
Next step is to Start the Roost Control Plane
Start Roost Control Plane Server
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