Using Roost, you can configure once and enjoy automated preview environments. These environments provide you a number of benefits:
Ready environment with your current code changes.
Immediately accessible as well as shareable across different stake-holders
Certification of your changes against the existing test-suite. Prevents any loss of time over not-so-ready changes.
Controlled cloud cost as environment auto expires after a certain time.
Central dashboard to see all the preview environments and the associated change.
Capability to control the number of preview environments, discard events that are yet to be processed
On-demand ability to go back to any previous environment or destroy any environment.
And finally, configure once and reap benefits forever
Simple onboarding steps for any application
Code Repository
Provide a GitHub token (GitLab and Bitbucket are in the roadmap)
Select Repository and branch (allows multiple repo)
Choose Git events that trigger “Roost Environment”
Create PR
Merge PR
Create Tag
Build Steps
Specify Build tool for each repo
Choose the Build tool and build order (if it matters)
Jenkins (Provide token to detect job-name, build status)
Custom tools like Make, Maven, Apache Ant
Cluster Configuration
Go with the default cluster configuration (default for organisation)
Or specify necessary overrides along with cloud credentials
Support for on-premise and existing cluster is in the roadmap
Deploy Steps
Choose the deploy tool like Kubernetes, Helm and Skaffold.
Provide the necessary application arguments to the above tool
Notification Steps
Choose Slack or Email for notification once the release environment is setup
Provide necessary authorisation token
Optional Test Suite integration
Support for automated testing and certification of change
Framework such as artillery and cypress are already supported.
Postman API, LambadaTest are in the roadmap
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