7. Target Group, ACM, ALB, Route53

7. Target Group, ACM, ALB, Route53

  • Go to AWS ACM Service

  • Request a certificate for your selected Hosted zone

  • Choose DNS validation if the hosted zone is from AWS else Email validation

  • Create Route53 record to trigger DNS validation


  • Go to AWS EC2 service

  • Create a target group using the port 443 and controlplane EC2 instance

  • Add health check using /api end-point


  • Go to AWS LoadBalancer Service

  • Request Application Load Balancer

  • Choose HTTPS protocol

  • Select above created ACM and target group


  • Finally, go to AWS Route 53 Service

  • Create a Simple Route for your domain and point it to the above ALB

<< Start Roost Control Plane Roost Checklist >>

Verify Roost Controlplane by accessing the Enterprise DNS associated with the Hosted zone