We are going to create new EaaS application.
To get started we can setup five repos in our Ephemeral Pre-production Environments | Environments as a Service
Fork this five repos below and use them for demo.
GitHub - roost-io/voter: voter ui
GitHub - roost-io/election-commission: election commission micro ui
GitHub - roost-io/ballot: ballot micro service api
GitHub - roost-io/ecserver: election commission server - microservice api
GitHub - roost-io/voting_app: sample project, uses voting as an example and has web interface calling Go backend api
Github - roost-io/terraform : sample terraform script, used to create s3 bucket.
After forking this repos in your personal id Collaboration & Observability | Cloud Native | Zettabytes Roost
Now follow the following Steps
Go to ZBIO Roost EaaS.
Go to top Configuration Tab.
Click on Create New EaaS on the right hand side. You will be redirected to the dashboard.
Now select the preferred apps for each of the following category
Git repository
CI Tools, CD tools, Test tools
Infra provision
Cluster Types
Notification tool
Now Click on Summary. You will be redirected to the following page.
Click on the enabled component with selected git repository icon to configure your git repository. You are redirect to the following git configuration page.
Fill the credentials and enable the check box if you wish to save the configs to your git repository. If you don’t have GitHub token just click on the i icon and generate a new token and paste it here. Verify and proceed.
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