Connect to the previously created EC2 using SSH once it is running (if EC2 is private then you will need another instance to act as jump)
Mount EBS volume and fetch RoostInstaller (this step is taken care by the below command, provided you mention the DISK like DISK=nvme1n1)
Code Block # the below command will show the disks available lsblk
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -s | SETUP=1 DISK=<>nvme1n1 CUSTOMER=Lacework bash - |
This instance will be facing the team members for any Roost activity.
Code Block |
{ "enterprise_name": "MyCompany", "enterprise_logo": "", "enterprise_email_domain": "", "enterprise_dns": "", "remote_console_proxy": "", "admin_email": "", "email_sender": "", "email_sender_pass": "", "email_smtp_host": "", "email_smtp_port" : 465, "load_balancer": "true", "enterprise_ssl_certificate_path": "/var/tmp/Roost/certs/server.cer", "enterprise_ssl_certificate_key_path": "/var/tmp/Roost/certs/server.key", "ENV_SERVER": { "DEFAULT_PORT": 3000, "JWT_SECRET": "32-character-secure-long-secret", "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID": "", "GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "AZURE_CLIENT_ID": "", "AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID": "", "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID": "", "LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET": "", "OKTA_CLIENT_ISSUER": "", "OKTA_CLIENT_ID": "", "OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET": "" }, "is_own_sql": "true", "ENV_DATABASE": { "MYSQL_HOST": "mysqldb_host_url", "MYSQL_PORT": 3306, "MYSQL_USERNAME": "Roost", "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "Roost#123", "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "Admin#123", "MYSQL_DB_NAME": "roostio" } } |