This instance will be facing the team members for any Roost activity.
5.1 Get Roost Installer
Replace Enterprise Server URL
Code Block |
mkdir /var/tmp/Roost/bin;
cd /var/tmp/Roost
curl -L -o bin/RoostInstaller
chmod +x bin/RoostInstaller
# Install the AWS S3 key under admin sub-folder
mkdir /var/tmp/Roost/admin; |
Code Block |
# Install the AWS S3 Access keys (one-time) - unique to your organisation
cat > /var/tmp/Roost/admin/installer_keys.csv <<EOF
User name,Password,Access key ID,Secret access key,Console login link
Code Block |
# Replace with enterprise server url
/var/tmp/Roost/bin/RoostInstaller -command write -entServer "" -desiredVersion v1.0.2 |
Code Block |
# Execute below command to get necessary files
/var/tmp/Roost/bin/RoostInstaller -command setup |
5.2 Create Roost Schema
Code Block |
# supply password at prompt
sudo mysql -h <RDS URL> -u <> -P 3306 -p
\. /var/tmp/Roost/db/roost.sql
# CREATE USER 'roost'@'localhost' identified WITH mysql_native_password by 'zbioRoost#123';
# GRANT ALL on *.* to 'roost'@'localhost'; |
5.3 Install SSL Certs
Get the SSL_certs.key and SSL_certs.crt file for your organisation domain and put it under a folder that will be accessible to the current user. Preferred to be kept under /var/tmp/Roost/certs
Code Block |
cd /var/tmp/Roost/certs
# Copy your organisation SSL certs here (like server.cer and server.key)
# OR generate SSL certs |
Steps - Generate Self SSL Certs
SSL Certs
Code Block |
cd /var/tmp/Roost
vi config.json |
Sample Config looks like the below
Replace the values to reflect for your organisation
Keep values empty of the client_id/secrets for the 3rd party that is not needed (one set is needed at least)
Keep ENV_DATABASE detail unchanged if database is not external
Recommend value of remote_console_proxy is same as enterprise_dns unless you want to start proxy elsewhere.
If your servers are behind Load Balancer, set load_balancer : “true” for different configuration.
Code Block |
"enterprise_name": "MyCompany",
"enterprise_logo": "",
"enterprise_email_domain": "",
"enterprise_dns": "",
"remote_console_proxy": "",
"admin_email": "",
"email_sender": "",
"email_sender_pass": "",
"email_smtp_host": "",
"email_smtp_port" : 465,
"load_balancer": "false",
"enterprise_ssl_certificate_path": "/var/tmp/Roost/certs/server.cer",
"enterprise_ssl_certificate_key_path": "/var/tmp/Roost/certs/server.key",
"JWT_SECRET": "32-character-secure-long-secret",
"is_own_sql": "false",
"MYSQL_HOST": "mysqldb_host_url",
"MYSQL_PORT": 3306,
"MYSQL_PASSWORD": "Roost#123",
} |
Next step is to Start the Roost Control Plane
Start Roost Control Plane Server
<< EC2 Setup Start Control Plane >>